Saturday, 24 July 2010

Old Warden - Part Two

One of themes of this particular event was to host a selection of types from the famous Miles Aircraft company. They did not disappoint! These opening photo's show the graceful lines of a privately owned Miles Gemini. This particular example, G-AKKH, was built in 1948 and is one of 7 surviving examples in the UK today.

Several other Miles aircraft attended, including the only airworthy Miles Falcon, 2 Miles Magister's, 2 Miles Messengers and the sleek racer, the Miles Hawk Speed Six. The lattter, capable of speeds of up to 200 mph has an incredible record of longevity in air races over the years....its first in 1935, and its last competitive event was (I believe) the 1973 Kings Cup air race.

Above, the Miles Falcon in formation with one of the Magisters.
Below, the racing pedigree of the 1935 Hawk Speed Six is self evident.

And as a fitting tribute to the display of Miles aircraft, Mr J J Miles, the son of Mr F G Miles, the founder of Miles Aircraft, was also present, displaying in his own Russian Yak-52.

These pictures from my last two posts are only a selection of the 50 or so unique and historic aircraft that were on display!

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